Using the handle/stop allows the tray to be withdrawn & suspended from the shelf which offers around 90% clear picking. It also acts as a handle to enable the trays to be carried
The shelving units come complete with shelf trays are the sizes are:
Tray A - 90 x 117 x 300 (HxWxDmm)
Tray B - 90 x 234 x 300 (HxWxDmm)
Tray C - 140 x 234 x 300 (HxWxDmm)
Tray D - 90 x 117 x 400 (HxWxDmm)
Tray E - 90 x 234 x 400 (HxWxDmm)
Tray F - 90 x 234 x 400 (HxWxDmm)
Tray G - 140 x 117 x 500 (HxWxDmm)
Tray H - 90 x 234 x 500 (HxWxDmm)
Tray I - 140 x 234 x 500 (HxWxDmm)
Extra Shelf trays, dividers, handles and extension bays are available - please call for details
These units are elevated by pump action foot pedal & lowered by either a hand operated release trigger (Single Scissor Lift Tables) or foot pedal (Double Scissor Lift Tables)
Mobile on 2 fixed & 2 swivel braked castors with wheel guards